Sunday, 2 May 2010

That'll teach 'em!

I got some complaints about my fonts on the last few, so hence! My retaliation!
Nah, i'm playing, i appreciate the feedback. Thanks to all 2 of you who got back to me! :D lots of love

I'm still trying to find time to work on the others currently saved, but with extra work and a whole load of school shit going down, i've not had a lot of time :( I'm sorry!

More coming soon!! (hopefully) :D

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Monday, 19 April 2010

Fucking vista...

If you have suffered vista then you know....
Continuing with the matrix themes :D COMMENT!! a full comment section is a happy comment section

You're mum would comment this comic, but she's too busy in the kitchen making me my dinner!

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Sunday, 18 April 2010

Yay!! I got a whole wing of matrix ideas when working today, so hopefully these will be daily over the next week!
To those readers, please comment! i'd love to know what you think of these, and any ideas and thoughts would be really appreciated.

Again, click to enlarge :D

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Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Practice makes perfect

You're right. He is a badass.
I'm rather proud of these being done in paint with a mouse! :D

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Sunday, 11 April 2010

Working on a regular day.

Worst. Comic. Evar.
Now that rawr is away revising and shit, I return with comics! :D

Click to enlarge!!
DO IT!!!

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Wednesday, 24 March 2010


To the three or four of you that'll read this - I'm afraid I'm going to have to take a break from making any comics for about 3 months. This is due to exam study and university preperation/hoping etc.

So, I say to you all, to the books!


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Sunday, 24 January 2010

When in Doubt pt. 1

Well here we go. This is the first I've made with my SLR, it didn't take very long, which makes me wanna do more. So yay!

This is the first in a large, large series.

Now playing: Rush - The Analog Kid
via FoxyTunes

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