Thursday, 4 December 2008

#0002 Bauble vs. Angela Pt. 2

A fate worse than death, if you ask me.


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Wednesday, 3 December 2008

#0001 Bauble vs. Angela Pt. 1

First comic. There's more made, but not really in this style.


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Tuesday, 9 September 2008


Hello, everyone, I'm Rawr. I had an old one of these which just had basic news and stuff, but it was mostly bioring. When I get things going, I'll start to post photographs, and drawings, etc, but if you want that just now, you'll have to check out my DA page:

I also have a few ideas for a webcomic, but once i get that rolling, (and get myself a job) I'll get a webhost, and possibly start to post them on here.

Anyway, peace out, Maggots.

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